Thursday, May 24, 2007

So, it's been quite some time since I last wrote. The boys are larger, busier and more loud than they were six months ago. One of them has to be making noise, or things just aren't right. With that said, tonight Ben took scissors to his hair. I should have realized something was going on, as they were all being quiet as mice. Kids do these things, right? But he looks awful, and there is nothing but a shaved head to fix it. You would think he learned it was a bad idea when Andrew did it. But no, he decided he wanted hair like Dad's and he went for the gusto. Straight to the top of his head. I don't even know what to do with it. We just sent him to bed, and will deal with it in the morning.

It's been busy lately, with Spring coming in, and now Summer-the boys have been even more active than before. We purchased a trampoline, best investment ever. After spending most of their day jumping on it, they knock out quickly. Now if the rain would stop coming, this could occur more often.

I have a lot of things I would like to gripe about, but since the person they are about is sitting no more than two feet from me, I shall refrain.


Stella said...

BWAHAHAHAHA......have him wash some dishes or

Poor HAIR! ;)

Kellybean32 said...

Aw, you need to make a trip to the Barbers!!! After the Dane mishap and now ben...they will all be bald!! Don't you love when they get these bright ideas!!