Sunday, April 10, 2011

See these boys? They are all mine, and it has been five years since I have blogged. I guess things got a little hectic? Actually, I know they did-deployments, scouting, moving houses, Rear D, life, it became very busy.
I had almost forgotten about my blog completely until I was reading another friends and it asked me to comment logged in on mine!

So here we go, take two.

We are about two months out from our move to a new duty post. I am excited to move, we have been here so long. I am hoping the move improves Dane's allergies and asthma, plants here are a large problem for him-lets hope the pollen there is not. I am also simply excited to move to the South. I love the South, always have. Sweet tea (without people looking at you like you have twelve heads), big front porches, green grass, lots of trees. Close to Florida, near all sorts of beaches. I am thrilled beyond words!

The boys are all getting older, everyone is playing baseball this year, they had their first games yesterday and did really well for not really ever playing before! Have to work on Dane's getting upset about not catching the ball. He takes it very hard when it doesn't get hit to him. Boys! Sigh.

1 comment:

Poor Kelly said...

does this mean that i inspired you to write in your blog? ooh! and you were my very first comment EVER!


don't you just love it when things come together like that?